Change is always a bitter pill to swallow, and it’s no different in the new novel, Fangirl, by Rainbow Rowell. In the beginning of the novel, Cath and her twin sister Wren start college, and let’s just say Cath doesn’t adjust to college life very well. Instead of going out and making new friends, Cath prefers to stay home at her dorm room and write fanfiction about the Simon Snow series, the one constant left in her now completely uprooted life. Not one for change, Cath struggles with all the new things in her life, including a distance forming between her sister and herself. Her roommate, Reagan, takes Cath under her wing, and Cath meets Levi. And Cath’s world gets turned upside down even more.
It is by far one of the funniest and well written books that I have read in a while. Every character is well developed and the main character, Cath is the best in the bunch. Every character is so well rounded, that the story comes to life on the page. Rainbow Rowell masters the dialogue, finding that rare balance of wit without going too far. Each chapter is guaranteed to make you laugh at least once, but the story is also deals with the very real lesson of learning to let go. That is probably what makes Cath so relatable, she struggles with the same things that every teen does.
Rainbow Rowell’s ability to connect to her readers is probably what makes her novels so well loved. Her other book, Eleanor and Park, has become so popular that, according to Entertainment Weekly, DreamWorks has picked up the film rights to make a movie out of it. Eleanor and Park, which has been number 10 on the New York Times Bestsellers list for Young adults for 18 weeks, is also known for it’s relatability. Rowell’s characters all battle with insecurities and fitting in, or, in Cath from Fangirl’s case, letting go. All lessons we all must learn at least once in our lives.
The 1965 film “The Sound of Music” is everyone’s childhood favorite. Many of us remember watching Julie Andrews as Maria teaching the Von Trapp children to sing, and learning to sing right along with them. That’s why the “The Sound of Music Live!,” which aired live on NBC on December 5, 2013, was so heavily criticised.
Everyone’s a critic. Especially when it comes to a classic like “The Sound of Music.” Hopes were high for a flawless production, since a misstep or flat high note was left for the 18.6 million people that tuned in for the three hour show to see and hear.
And during the three hours that the production aired a tsunami of tweets poured in. Every note, dance, and flaw was recounted and highlighted a hundred times. Even the original film’s Von Trapp children responded to the production, but they were much kinder critics than those on Twitter.
Angela Cartwright, who played Brigitta in the original film, was quoted in EW that she felt that some of the acting “didn’t come across as sincere.”
Most of the criticisms were not that off base, even if some were unkind. The production had its moments and was enjoyable to watch, but when held by the standards that a Broadway musical is held to, some of the acting and singing just didn’t mesh.
The most scrutinized casting was Carrie Underwood as Maria, and when it was announced that she was to play the iconic role many fans were outraged. She had large shoes to fill and big expectations, and Underwood didn’t exactly deliver exactly what everyone wanted. Her vocals were wonderful, but her acting didn’t measure up to her musical talent. She just couldn’t compare to Julie Andrew’s Maria.
What many people might not know is that “The Sound of Music Live!” was not actually based on the 1965 film . According to NBC, the live production was actually based on the Broadway musical.
NBC seems to be forming a new holiday tradition, because the network has already committed to airing another live musical production in 2014. According to Entertainment Weekly, the next musical event is “Peter Pan,” which will air on December 4.
As long as you don’t live under a rock and have some sort of access to modern-day technology, you’ve probably heard of the “The Walking Dead.” The show is based on the comic book series written by Robert Kirkman, who also writes the show. It is on AMC, which have brought you other hits such as “Breaking Bad” and “Mad Men.”
The show is based around a Georgian sheriff, Rick Grimes, who falls into a coma due to an injury on the job and wakes up about three months into the zombie apocalypse. He survives by being locked inside his room; when he wakes up, he discovers the hospital graffitied, blood-spattered and utterly wrecked. One of the most iconic images of the show is the hospital doors that say “DON’T OPEN. DEAD INSIDE.” We see a pale, long-fingered zombie hand reach through the gap in the padlocked entryway towards Rick.
Season one is a mad scramble to stay alive, but seasons two and three build up an extensive plotline behind the “illness” that turns people into zombies, and how to keep protected, if it is even possible.
Currently in its fourth season, “The Walking Dead” has developed a large, almost cult-like following of obsessed viewers, myself included. After each episode, comedian Chris Hardwick does an hour-long segment called “Talking Dead” where cast and crew members of the show, celebrities and other superfans discuss the plot line and deeper meanings of that night’s episode.
Zombies have taken the place of vampires over the last couple years. People’s interest in zombies peaked in the summer of 2012 when reports came out of Miami, FL of a man mauling another man while on bath salts, a drug that has similar effects of cocaine and meth. The man was rumored to behave in a zombie-like manner, and this event got the public thinking about zombies and their behavior, or the possibility of a zombie apocalypse. Their increased popularity has resulted in movies like “World War Z” (June 2013) and video games like “Dead Rising 3” (November 2013) for Xbox One.
Penn Manor senior Caitlin Mahoney is a devoted follower of “The Walking Dead.” When asked why she loves the show so much, she said “It’s different from all of the other shows and movies about zombies. I like the way they presented the apocalypse. It gives the image of zombies a new perspective, and I think it helped to bring in a lot of new fans of the creatures.”
What would you do in the zombie apocalypse? Photographer Beth Cardwell of Lampeter-Strasburg is another avid “Walking Dead” fan and has a zombie survival kit her husband put together for her as a Christmas gift.
“I keep it in the front of my closet. This was put together as a zombie survival kit but it can also be useful in case of other emergencies,” says Cardwell. The supplies are pulled together in a handy waterproof backpack. It contains:
hunting knife – it’s better to stab the zombies in the head. Gunshots attract them.
tarp, duct tape, poly rope – for making shelters
baseball bat
waterproof matches and fire starter
sewing kit
MREs – made-ready meals
solar powered radio + flashlight + phone charger – it gives your phone enough charge for one phone call
first aid kit and handbook – because someone has to play doctor
extra blanket, hand towels and bandana
face guard – because getting zombie guts on you is gross
The first three seasons of “The Walking Dead” are available on Netflix. The show is on every Sunday night at 9 on AMC. On October 29, the program was renewed for a fifth season.
Students in the floriculture class teach the Life Skills students how to make flower arrangements and terrariums. (Photo provided by Mrs. Fay)
By Michelle Zercher
When most people think about an agriculture class they think, “oh, all they do is learn about farming.” Well, that is not true. Agriculture classes are incredibly beneficial classes for any student to take while they are in high school. They teach students skills that will be helpful for them as they continue their lives as adults.
Honestly it all depends on the classes you take. For example if you are interested in engines, you can take engines one and two, and if you are interested in flowers or plants you can take horticulture and floriculture. You can also take the agriculture science classes that are offered. You will learn a variety of things like how to write checks, keep a budget, get a loan, balance a checkbook and many other things that will help you later in life. Agribusiness is another class that the ag department offers. You will learn about different types of businesses, create your own business plan and help run the fruit sale.
Agriculture classes are not ones that you can screw off in and expect to get a good grade. I’m not saying that you will need to study like you do in an AP or honors class, but you will need to actually pay attention in the classes to do well. There is time for talking and independent work almost everyday, because the teachers give you an assignment and you are responsible for finishing it.
One skill that is stressed in ag classes is public speaking. Katrina Reiff, a senior at Penn Manor High School, said that the most important things she learned in ag were, “how to present myself in interviews and prepare for my future.”
The agriculture teachers want you to enjoy the class, but they also want you to be able to buckle down and learn what they are trying to teach you. I think it is easier to learn things in a more relaxed classroom atmosphere. The ag teachers do a very good job at making the classroom relaxed and easy to learn in.
Agriculture classes are taught in a way that teaches you the concepts and how to apply them to real life. They also teach you things that you could need in other classes. For example you learn about Punnett squares in ag science 4, and you also learn about them in biology and biology 2.
When you are in an agriculture class you have the option to join the FFA. According to the National FFA’s website, “through agricultural education, students are provided opportunities for leadership development, personal growth and career success. Agricultural education instruction is delivered through three major components one is classroom/laboratory instruction (contextual learning), second is supervised agricultural experience programs (work-based learning) and third is student leadership organizations (National FFA Organization).”
FFA is a fun way to learn things and it gives you many more opportunities to get involved in your ag classes. You can show animals at the fair through the FFA, you can go to leadership conferences, you can compete on career development event team, and you can participate in the activities that the FFA organizes.
The agriculture classes are incredibly helpful and students should carefully consider taking at least one during the high school career. They won’t regret it.
It’s that time of year again, football fans. The NFL Draft is back.
The draft is time for teams to hopefully rebuild and improve their respective roasters from last years season and free agency. However, the opposite is still true as well. Fans have watched in horror as their team wastes a high draft pick on a player who turns out to be a bust when he transitions to the pro game.
As we countdown the days and hours before the draft kicks off on Thursday night, fans are becoming antsy, trying to anticipate what players will come off the board first.
“Waiting for the draft is tough,” said senior Jordan Williams. “You never are really sure what player your team is going to get and this draft class makes it that much more difficult to predict.”
This year’s draft is a strange one to analyze. It is not a weak draft class in any sense, but the lack of one or two superstar players is certainly making the draft complicated, unlike last year’s draft when the first two picks (Andrew Luck and Robert Griffin III) were a sure bet.
Unglamorous positions such as offensive tackle and defensive ends are littered all over the place. Positions such as quarterback and running back are lacking. Players who were once considered the cream of the crop have fallen from potential ‘Top 10’ status to ‘early second round’. Mock drafts are in a state of constant flux.
“I have watched the draft as long as I can remember and not once was I this confused of who will end up where”, said senior Richard Schultz. “I just have no clue at this point.”
Many analysts are having the same problem as well. Not one of their predicted drafts is remotely similar to another. Not to mention the trades between teams during draft day that will shake up an already unpredictable draft.
In the end, though, this is what the draft is all about. Knowing who will get whom before it actually happens ruins the fun of it all. And this draft will be no different. We won’t know for certain until a player puts on the cap and is called to the front of the stage.
Its good to see that what was once considered by many fans as a sideshow to actual football games has evolved into a March Madness like affair.
The first round of the 2013 NFL Draft will be broadcast on the NFL Network Thursday, April 25 at 8 p.m.,followed by the second and third rounds on Friday, April 26 at 6:30 p.m. Rounds 4-7 will be held Saturday, April 27 at noon.
Do professional athletes earn too much? photo credit: Tracy O via photopincc
By Mike Eshleman
Many athletes are begging for new contracts after putting up big performances. Take Joe Flacco for example. After winning the Super Bowl as quarterback of the Baltimore Ravens, Flacco received a record-breaking contract even though he had a mediocre regular season.
Dallas Cowboys’ quarterback Tony Romo also recently received a huge new contract, becoming the highest paid player in franchise history. However, Romo has only won one playoff game in seven years as starting quarterback of the Cowboys. Although he usually puts up good numbers in the regular season, he has shown that he will usually choke in key games that he needs to win.
According to, Romo’s contract is for six years and $108 million, with around $55 million guaranteed. Meanwhile, players like quarterback Aaron Rodgers of the Green Bay Packers, who is a Super Bowl MVP and regular season MVP, are making considerably less. Is it fair for Romo, who has had little to no playoff success, to make a lot more money than a player who has proven himself to be among the league’s elite quarterbacks?
Even Penn Manor senior Deryk Morales, who has been a huge Dallas Cowboys fan for a long time, does not think Romo deserved his brand new extension.
“He has not done enough in his career to be paid as much as other players at his position that have done far more,” Morales said. “Win a Super Bowl, MVP, or lead the league in passing and then maybe you would deserve that kind of money.”
Should athletes even be paid this much money to begin with? Players in the NBA, NFL, MLB and other professional sports make millions of dollars every year, and some make even more off of major endorsements. Should they be making more money than doctors, police, firefighters or other people who protect the lives of the American citizens?
An argument could be made for football players. In order to provide entertainment for many people around the world, these NFL players are putting their bodies on the line every week of the season. These players risk major injuries such as concussions, torn ACLs or even something as severe as paralysis. These injuries have been known to end the careers of players in the NFL and even change their lives forever.
Take former NFL tight end Kevin Everett from the Buffalo Bills for example. Everett sustained a life-threatening spinal-cord injury back in the 2007 season after a helmet-to-helmet hit with Denver Broncos’ wide receiver Domenik Hixon. At first, doctors said that the chances for Everett to ever walk again were not good. However, Everett defied these predictions and was able to walk a few months after surgery. His life was changed forever, however, and he will not be able to play football again.
Players in the NBA and MLB make a lot of money as well, but the risk of injury in their profession is much smaller than that of the NFL. NBA and MLB players still have the risk of injury while playing their sport, but they are not putting their bodies on the line like players in the NFL are. Concussions and major injuries are not as common in the NBA and MLB as they are in the NFL.
This will be a major debate for a long time, but it looks like professional athletes, who make millions of dollars a year playing a game, will continue to make ridiculous amounts of money for years to come.
According to, Seraphina is the winner of the 2013 YALSA Morris Award for Best Young Adult Debut Novel and a New York Times bestselling children’s chapter book. These awards are well deserved because the book absorbs the reader into its pages.
Seraphina tells the story of a teenage girl in a mythical world where dragons and humans live together in an awkward type of peace, the dragons taking form of humans. This awkward peace is at its breaking point, however, when the treaty that keeps the citizens of Goredd in line needs to be renewed. Seraphina takes on not only her position as court music composer’s assistant, but also an investigator of the death of Prince Rufus, along with Prince Lucian Kiggs. Along her way, Seraphina must face the problems of her identity and parentage, along with the lies that they have brought her to tell.
The book’s incredible length might push some readers away, but every page adds to the suspense that makes the reader forge ahead in the book. The beginning is confusing and a bit boring, but as the novel continues, the reader will realize that the slow beginning is worth the wait.
The development of the characters is a strong aspect of the story because you will find yourself wrapped up in the character’s relationships with one another. The characters, mostly Seraphina, are easy to relate to, which makes the story seem much more real.
The fictional world is also well developed for a fantasy novel, because of the details related to the dragons vs. humans feature of the story. All in all, the book was exciting and will make you want to continue turning the pages.
Beware Downton Abbey viewers — beware the Internet. Downton Abbey returned to PBS Masterpiece on January 6, 2013, several months behind the United Kingdom premiere last September.
The Grantham family is full of intrigue as ever, and so far the third season has surpassed the second in narrative quality. Those craving the pure drama that comes with both servants and upper class need not be disappointed.
Unfortunately, because of the long gap in airdates the Internet is rife with spoilers and plot details. Even a simple Google search for the online version of the show can be hazardous — spoilers can be found in the second or third links of most search engines. Not even Facebook is safe. Don’t trust your Facebook friends, don’t trust Tumblr, don’t even trust Pinterest. The spoilers are everywhere.
Fear not, dear reader, this review will be free of any major plot details or character developments. Some minor spoilers are inevitable, but don’t worry: there won’t be any earth-shattering revelations. However, this warning only pertains to season three — since it has been several months since the air dates of season two, I consider anything before season three fair game.
My main problems with the second season were the series of improbable and slightly ludicrous plot jumps. Matthew is suddenly able to walk, anyone? There was also the little matter of the entire episode devoted to an officer claiming to be one of the Crawley’s dead relatives, which I found creeped ever so slightly into the soap opera territory. The cast itself stayed up to their standard excellence, but the plot writing was ridiculous at times.
Season three — so far — fails to have the shortcomings of the last season.
Despite the show’s best attempts to have Matthew be my favorite character, I cannot help but be fascinated by the footman Thomas. He has been handled quite cleverly, and whoever came up with his character development is a mad genius. Thomas is easily the most complex character in Downton Abbey. First introduced as That One Gay Character, then the scheming footman, then the soldier, then the medic, Thomas has become fascinatingly sympathetic to the viewer. It’s telling that the one gay character on this show isn’t made The One Gay Character, or characterized by his sexuality. It’s just a detail of his character like the scar on his hand. He’s scheming, but Downton shows us why he’s scheming and how.
The airing of the February 3 episode marked the first filler episode yet this season, but it plays to good effect after the intense drama of the episode before. Even filler episodes have their place — but sparingly, few and far between.
The root of the popularity of Downton Abbey lies somewhere between the appeal of a soap opera and the intrigue of the British Royal Family. The writers of the show are very smart — they mix the two worlds of the upstairs noble family and the downstairs servants well enough that it doesn’t feel like an awkward transition at all. By all rights, there are two shows in Downton Abbey, but the smooth transitions and overlapping storylines make it work.
Downton Abbey has returned to the U.S. airwaves.
Downton Abbey is a show of small moments. Maggie Smith’s Dowager Countess of Grantham is meant to represent the old Victorian values, but instead show us a woman full of wit and vinegar, willing to compromise for family while still being Old World. Though perhaps my favorite Dowager Countess moment is from season one, when she says, “Your quarrel is with my daughter, Rosamund, and not with me. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.”
The old Victorian values are rampant through Downton Abbey. The first episode sets it up admirably, when the Dowager Countess treats the brand new electric lights with skeptical aversion. It still carries through to season three, with new technological advancements of the day making their way through the Downton house.
Season three: so far, so good. The only worry I have is for the rest of the season. The actors are at the top of their game as per usual, but the future writing and plotting in general is a reason to be uneasy, given the show’s track record. But as long as the roller coaster is going up, I might as well enjoy the ride — and the ride is good.
Most busy Penn Manor students probably don’t prioritize keeping positive attitudes and maintaining healthy relationships with parents and peers while they have homework, sports, and other clubs or activities to think about. When the Keystones came along, most students probably reacted as I did with fear and exasperation. However, the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens gave me new insight on how to handle these anno The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens was written by Sean Covey, whose father wrote The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, a popular book of advice on how to live well. In 2003, this new edition for teenagers was released by Running Press Miniature Editions, and many of its reviews are positive. A reviewer on says “Flip open to any page and become instantly absorbed in real-life stories of teens who have overcome obstacles to succeed, and step-by-step guides to shifting paradigms, building equity in ‘relationship bank accounts,’ creating action plans, and much more.”ying aspects of life.
The book explains that the seven habits all build upon each other, and each changed how I perceive things the world.
Habit #1: Be Proactive. This includes being positive and taking charge of your life. If the Keystones brought your general attitude down, or you were expecting to fail them as you went into them, rule #1 addresses this issue. Do not allow other people/things to ruin your day. Keep your expectations of how you will do on the Keystones high, and they are likely to be higher.
Habit #2: Begin with the End in Mind. These days, college is quite competitive, so maintaining high grades is a necessity. Extra-curricular activities also improve a resume, so joining one of the many clubs in Penn Manor High School or being a member of a sports team can be beneficial. This school district has educated the students about not doing drugs and trying your best in school, so just listen to this advice.
Habit #3: Put First Things First. This habit is all about prioritizing. I learned about this habit during marching band season when my amount of work exceeded my amount of time to finish this homework. If I had caved into my desires to watch television instead of finishing my homework, I wouldn’t have done well in my classes. Although prioritizing over what you would like to do might be tiresome at the time, you will find that you will appreciate your sacrifices in the long run.
Habit #4: Think Win-Win. It is very common to think of school as a competition, but this is an unhealthy way of thinking. Class rankings enforce this attitude, but school should be about pushing yourself and not just beating your classmates on a test. I urge Penn Manor High School students to stop comparing themselves to others and focus on improving themselves.
Habit #5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood. Listening to your friends about their problems means much more to them than you probably realize. I spend time listening to my friend’s problems, and I try to really understand what they are going through, which makes us better friends. While listening to other’s problems, try to feel empathy for them, and then you can share your problems with them. You will be surprised at the benefits of listening to your friends.
Be prepared to face the classroom with these seven habits.
Habit #6: Synergize. Synergizing is a method of solving problems between people without either side giving in to the other, without compromising. This habit may benefit you when you are about to have a difficult upcoming test; you can study with a friend from your class. This way, you both might have the chance to find facts from each other’s notes that you might have missed in class, so as a result, both of your test grades will be higher than if you had studied alone.
Habit #7: Sharpen the Saw. This habit is about renewing yourself by resting or taking part in activities you enjoy. Penn Manor High School offers many different clubs and sports, so joining one that you find pleasurable to be a part of can boost your inner happiness. Some of the clubs in this school are volunteer clubs, including Serteen, and helping others is beneficial for your health.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens is a great book to read because it can help you improve yourself and your relationships. The setup of the book is worthwhile because the author provides many interesting stories from real teenagers related to the topics that make the habits come to life. The only negative aspect is that at times there are more analogies than are needed to understand each concept. However, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens should be high on your list of books to read.
After fourteen years– fourteen long, disheartening, dreadful years –Andy Reid is no longer the head coach of the Philadelphia Eagles.
No longer do we have to listen to Andy grumble after every loss about how he “needs to prepare his guys better.” No longer do we have to sit through back-to-back three and outs to start every game, and no longer do we have to watch our quarterback carry the ball more often than our Pro-Bowl running back LeSean McCoy. No longer will we have to put up with haphazard timeouts, unorganized drafts, and 6-foot, 200 pound quarterbacks dropping back 50 times a game behind a sub-par offensive line.
Eagle fans (at least the loyal ones) have had to suffer for 52 years since players like Chuck Bednarik, Tommy McDonald and Sonny Jurgensen last brought the title home to Philadelphia.
Wonder what some similar names in the same situation are? The Arizona Cardinals, Detroit Lions and Tennessee Titans all have had NFL Championship droughts of more than 50 years.
That doesn’t exactly qualify as good company. Among all “Big 4” sports teams, the Philadelphia Eagles championship drought sets them 16th all time on list of longest periods without a championship.
What have we done to upset the sports gods? Do they have a problem with loud, obnoxious Italians and Irish folk? Well, no, otherwise people on Long Island wouldn’t have seen such success from the Giants. So if that isn’t it, what could have happened? Do they dislike the color green? Cheesesteaks?
Though the Eagles have made trips to the NFC Championship game for four years in a row under Andy Reid (including one Super Bowl berth), the franchise hasn’t won a game in the playoffs since the passing of long-time defensive coordinator and mastermind Jim Johnson.
When news broke of Andy’s firing, I knew exactly what I had wanted: Gus Bradley, Defensive coordinator of the resurgent Seattle Seahawks. From the moment that the Seahawks defense shut down the San Francisco 49ers 42-13 on December 23, I knew he was the man who could grab hold of this team and restore the Philadelphia defense back to days of old.
I could see it then, a bald-headed Bradley parading through Philadelphia with a new shiny silver trophy that every man in Philadelphia would be taking pictures of, bowing down in front of, and perhaps, losing wives to. I dreamed of confetti flying, balloons floating, and fans popping their heads out of their high-rise offices to catch a glimpse of the spectacle at hand. Finally, that pesky piece of metal was in our grasp, held high above Broad Street for the very first time.
But that beautiful, beautiful dream was strangely twisted when I received the news:
Chip Kelly of the University of Oregon is the new head coach of the Philadelphia Eagles. Photo credit: Steve Dykes.
The Eagles have blind-sided us and announced that their new head coach is Chip Kelly of the University of Oregon, who was thought to be returning for another year in college. In perhaps the most surprising turn of events that this student has seen in his lifetime, I must say that I feel nothing but complete disappointment.
We had it all lined up. Bradley would lead us to the promised land with a new resurgent defense and a simple offense that young quarterback, Nick Foles, would be able to work with.
Then, in the blink of an eye, the balloons have popped, the confetti has stopped flying and the Lombardi trophy has spent yet another year eluding the city of Brotherly Love.
Many believe that Kelly is the best man for the Philadelphia job. I, for one, cannot possibly see the logic. I have a great amount of respect for Kelly. I believe he is an offensive mastermind that is one great college coach.
But that is not enough for me.
Kelly has created a style of football that implements the shotgun formation and a mobile quarterback. Sure, that will work at the college level, but we’ve seen how it has worked in the pros. Do we really need another half a decade of Michael Vick getting pummeled and thrashed again?
Foles is not a guy who will win games on his feet. And I will no longer accept that Foles isn’t our future. He’s a tall, smart, pocket passer who could use an offensive coordinator that will know what to do with him. He’s the guy we’ve been looking for, and the offense that our new head coach will bring with him might just kill any hope of that.
Kelly has earned the great reputation that has gotten him a star studded team and group of alumni. But recruiting doesn’t happen at the professional level. Kelly will have to adapt to this new style of football, and guess what? In this city, he’s got four preseason games and that’s it. If he doesn’t put up, he’ll be kicked out.
Additionally, college coaches turned-professional almost never see success in their first professional gig. Pete Carroll needed three attempts to bring his team (now the Seattle Seahwaks) to National-contender status (with the help of Bradley, may I add). Nick Saban, the dynastic leader of the dominating University of Alabama Crimson Tide had a stint with the Miami Dolphins. How’d that turn out? 15 wins and 17 losses in two seasons. Not exactly stellar. Lane Kiffin’s NFL debut in Oakland brought him about as much success as this season at USC.
Look, I love the Eagles more than I love some of my family members. I want the best for this team, and I’ll be rooting as hard as ever for them. But if Gus Bradley leads his new Jacksonville Jaguars team to the playoffs this year, you will hear quite a few “I-told-you-so’s.”