Zac Burke Getting D1 Looks

By Jordan Rineer

When you look at Zac Burke, you don’t think he’s a baseball player. Standing at six-foot-two and weighing 170 pounds, baseball is not the first thing that comes to mind.

Although baseball players are not usually as tall and lanky as Burke, it hasn’t stopped Division I schools from taking a closer look at his abilities.

“The size of me didn’t fit into football or basketball well enough so I decided to pursue pitching as my primary position where tall lanky athletes compete best,” Burke said.

College recruiters couldn’t agree more.

“I currently have a relationship with recruiting coordinators from Radford, Kent State, Virginia, Louisville and Miami,” Burke said.

Burke used to be a three-sport athlete but he’s concentrating all his talents into the Penn Manor baseball team.

Burke’s playing in the Lancaster-Lebanon League Section 1 for Penn Manor. His summer team is called  EvoShield Canes. They play at colleges all the way down the East Coast.

Playing in so many venues allows coaches from major schools to keep tabs on Burke as a possible recruit.

“Miami is my clear favorite, they recently invited me down for a three-game series as a recruit visit,” Burke said.

Junior pitcher Zac Burke

Burke believes he gets looked at most by scouts when he is on the mound and in control.

Even though Burke can play many positions on the field, he has one favorite.

“Pitcher because the game is run at the tempo I set it as, all eyes are on me when I’m on the mound,” Burke said.

Burke is committed. He wants to prove people wrong when they tell him to play a different sport.

“Off season I play about every other day, in season it is every single day for a couple of months. When you want to move on to the next level, you got to keep pushing,” Burke said.

“Sometimes my elbow or shoulder gets sore from pitching and I have to take it easy.  I feel as if I could never take a break from the game though,” said Burke.

Relaxing is a good feeling  for Burke but when it comes down to it he would be rather be playing baseball than playing video games or other relaxing pasttimes that many teens do, said Burke.

“When I play baseball, it is my escape from reality, nothing else matters except for those seven innings of ball,” said Burke.

Burke is hoping to continue his baseball career in college and maybe even in the pros one day.

With the college recruiters watching, Burke believes it could happen.