By Alyssa Byers –
Even the deceased have an opinion these days.
After Osama bin Laden’s death, a mass amount of people have enlightened the world with their opinion on the matter. Whether it be through the TV or online, the death of bin Laden has created chatter everywhere. Some celebrate his death, while others find it uneventful. According to Martin Luther King Jr., rejoicing for bin Laden’s death would only add more hate to the situation. But how can King have an opinion on such an incident, let alone anything, while being deceased for over forty years?
“I mourn for the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that,” said King.

The above quote has been circulating through Facebook and Twitter for the past few days, however, King only actually said part of it. In his sermon “Loving Your Enemies,” King wrote a line that begins with “Returning hate for hate…” But the first line about “precious lives” does not appear in the sermon.
“It’s kind of ridiculous that someone would make it seem like it was his. It’s sort of degrading,” said senior Alex Grande.
How then, did this quote come about? A woman said she posted the quote with her own words and after re-postings occurred, her words were blended with King’s.
“Finding out it wasn’t his kind of leads you to think his peacefulness might have been embellished a little,” said senior Toni Warfel.
A spokesman for the King Center said that the quote resembled things King said, but was not his exact words. Even though the quote pertains to the death of bin Laden, King wrote his part back in 1963.
Regardless of who actually created the quote, it caries a powerful and positive message that should be considered by all.