Frowning is not an option when listening to ten males squish several Christmas carols into one song.
Twelve years ago, Straight No Chaser, a ten person acappella group, started in Indiana University just for fun. Now they have four albums and are starting their first tour.
One of their stops is the Lansdowne Theater, located in southwest downtown Philadelphia. They will be performing there on Saturday April 17 at 3 p.m.
The theater opened in 1927 and then closed back down in 1987 after a fire. After 22 years, and several restorations, it is being opened back up to the public.
Straight No Chaser has captured the hearts of many across the country and tickets are selling out fast. Prices of the tickets are $48, $38 and $28 and all seats are reserved. Tickets are now on sale at, Regency Café and Cinema 16:9.
By Emily Brody