Students don’t always view staff as individuals, instead viewing them as a whole. Teachers and staff members are people with interests and hobbies just like you and me.
Laura Banta a lunch lady said, “ I foster animals from the humane league. I have to give them back eventually when they find a new home. Puppies come and go faster than older dogs. It’s fun, I really love it, and the kids get involved too.”
Sylvia Frey a personal care assistant said, “ I like to garden, and I’m also a part of the praise band at church.”
Cindy Bachman who works in the athletic office said, “ I like going antique shopping. I lived in an old farm house. My best bargain was an antique high chair that was in perfect condition for $20.”
Elaine Bennis who is a paraeducator said, “ I like going on hikes and walks with family.”
Jeffery Taylor the school librarian said, “ I’m expecting my third child, and as a family we like to go on hikes together.”
John Wealand one of the school janitors said, “ I like to go surf fishing.”
Substitute teacher Don Krow said,” Roller Hockey, I run the youth league, and I referee the adult league.”
Just knowing people in a work or school environment doesn’t necessarily depict what their interests are and some people might surprise you.