By Bart Huber
The Thanksgiving holiday weekend is right around the corner.
Nearly everyone has something going on Thanksgiving weekend, whether it’s going hunting, Black Friday shopping or just relaxing with family and friends and enjoying the weekend.
A popular Thanksgiving run called the Turkey Trot happens every year on Thanksgiving day in Millersville. It’s the 41st year of the Turkey Trot. It’s a 5K run/walk for all ages with registration starting at 7:15 a.m. The race begins at 9 a.m. Spectators and competitors are asked to donate two non-perishable items to the local food bank.
People go everywhere for Thanksgiving, near or far. Peter and Sophie Savage of Washington D.C. are traveling up to Lancaster County to have Thanksgiving with the in-laws. They talked about the morning of thanksgiving and how the boys of the family and their dad go out to shoot clay birds, while the women of the family help cook.
Eva and Marcus Benner of Millersville have already left for Maine to visit family, which is a 10-12 hour drive. They say that they will be eating a Thanksgiving meal with the Benner’s.
Amanda Herr of Solanco is going up to her aunt and uncle’s for Thanksgiving Day. Herr says she will be going to an annual football game called the Turkey Bowl at her church on Saturday.
After Thanksgiving Day people do an assortment of things, like Black Friday shopping or hunting on Monday, December 2, the opening day of rifle season.
For some Black Friday is the time where they get all their holiday shopping done, for others it’s a chance to get that great deal you can only get on Black Friday.
Blain Wissler of Hempfield is having cousins sleeping over Thursday night and will be going Black Friday shopping the next day.
The Monday after Thanksgiving, the Penn Manor School District has off and the first day of rifle season begins.
The Benner’s have always gone hunting on the first day of rifle season and this year will be no different.
The Herr’s are also going hunting Monday, as they always do. Herr describes this as her favorite part of the Thanksgiving break.
Tyler Groff of Penn Manor is an avid hunter, who is hunting Thanksgiving morning, Friday and Saturday for geese and small game. He will also be hunting Monday for the first opening day for deer rifle season.