By Errol Hammond –
Principal Doug Eby believes he can outsmart Mother Nature.
Time after time, Spring Fling, the school district’s big May festival and club fundraiser fights bad weather, thunderstorms, high winds, torrential rains, and cloudy or unseasonably cold temperatures.
But not this year, said Eby who heads the event. This year he checked the Farmer’s Almanac and CHANGED the week in which Spring Fling is typically held.
This year Spring Fling will be held on May 18th, from 3:00PM to 9:30PM.
“We changed the date,” said Eby. “We’re actually a whole week different this year, and confirming with the Farmers Almanac for the the future weather prediction … I guarantee it’s not going to rain, it will be a beautiful day, 75 degrees. There is a zero percent chance of rain, so I’m talking sunny, light breeze from the southeast. And it’ll be the night of your life if you attend,” said Eby with a straight face that held back a flicker of a smile.
No matter if it rains or shines, people will gather around Comet Field for some fun rides, Dip n Dots, french fries, soft pretzels and BBQ Chicken.
Hundreds and hundreds of people gather at Comet Field every year to support Comet Pride and have a good time with family and friends for the annual Spring Fling event.
The regular rain-out doesn’t seem to stop people from coming back year after year.
But what if for one year, it was completely nice, all day? Some old timers remember when the sun did shine, somewhere back in 2005, for the event.
“It all depends on the weather… If it’s nice, it’ll be packed,” said Doug Eby, junior principal and coordinator of the Penn Manor event.
Rain or shine, organizing a fun Spring Fling takes a lot of time and preparation.
This year, it’s put together by a seniors Sara Bennis and Alex Kirk. Along with junior students Savanah Blake and Adam Hess, who will take over next year.
The four leaders are from Eby’s internship class, but are only part of the 90-person crew who are helping out with cleaning and making sure that May, 18 is a great night.
It’s really important that all the crew members are determined and committed, said the team of organizers.
“It’s really our job to call all the people for it, such as the fire company and ambulance people, which we have done, but we just have to get our contracts in,” said Bennis.
So, it takes more then a Sumo-wrestling pit and fireworks to make a great Spring Fling.
There will be several professional stands, 10-12 school club stands, bands on the stage, Marines, National Guards, roller coasters, four large blow up inflatables, and bouncy boxy which is a bounce castle with people boxing with giant gloves.
Food: Hamburgers, hot dogs, Walking Tacos, Smoothies, Maggie Moo’s, pizza, pretzels and more.
FFA will be having activities like throwing a hay-bale the farthest and a two man saw competition.
“It will be the Spring fling of all Spring flings,” said Eby.