By Jay Jackson –
They feel the tension building the longer into the perfect game they go. One after another, all ten pins fall until the last frame. The pressure is on and the nerves are tense except for one Penn Manor bowler.
“I really wasn’t that nervous,” said Penn Manor bowler Cody Simet. “You don’t really think about it.”
Simet had confidence going into the match.
“He called it before the match, ” said Tyler Bitts senior bowler.
“Before the match I told someone leaving the alley that he was going to miss my 300,” Simet said.

Two Penn Manor bowlers bowled a perfect which is quite a feat unheard of within a week. You need twelve spot-on strikes in a row to get a perfect game. It is easier said then done.
“It felt amazing but also a little nervous at the same time,” said senior bowler Brendon Yarnell.
“After I did it, I just came back and everybody was surrounding me,” said Simet, ” I was so excited and realized that I did it. There are a lot of good bowlers and we are really close with our averages.”
Penn Manor is a bowling power house. Last year, Penn Manor bowler Coty Johnson won states and now Yarnell and Simet are filling his sizable shoes quite well.
“[Yarnell] is first in the league in average and I think I am either second or third,” said Simet.
Penn Manor has the bowlers, but they also have best coaches around. This gives Penn Manor an edge that is incredibly tough to beat.
“We have the two best coaches that we could possibly have,” Simet said.
Penn Manor bowlers are dominating the league and look to continue there reign this season.
How can you expect to be one of the top newspapers in the country if you fail to capitalize every word in a headline. To be honest, I am more reluctant to click on stories like this. Work harder editors, this is beginning to turn me off from my beloved site
Ed. note – this is the style we adopted several years ago.
Tyler Bitts is the real allstar of the team.