By Kevin Holton –
This article is one in an occasional series about Penn Manor grads who are doing interesting things with their lives.
He was the guy in high school you never wanted to mess with.
His towering 6′ 5″ height, his broad shoulders, and his massive biceps could cause some students to shake with terror when he’d walk their way.
“That guy is one massive dude,” recalled Penn Manor senior Brad Kruger.
Evan Singleton, the guy who could pick a student up over his head with one hand while curling a freshmen in the other, is realizing a dream to put his brawn to use, less than a year after graduating high school.
This former Penn Manor graduate (2011) is training to be a World Wrestling Entertainment organization professional wrestler, a giant step toward his dream of being a wrestling superstar.
“I think he has the potential to make it,” said Singleton’s Penn Manor wrestling coach, Steve Hess.

Recently Singleton was invited to travel to Tampa, Fla., to try out for the Florida Championship Wrestling Association (FCW) which would guarantee him a spot in the WWE.
“A lot of people shot me down and told me it was only a phase, but I didn’t listen,” said Singleton recently who visted Penn Manor to be interviewed by Penn Points.
Singleton credits the Penn Manor wrestling team as the first step toward his possible career in professional wrestling. He also worked out at a wrestling gym in York and Gold’s gym since he graduated to take steps toward his dream.
While training in York, Singleton was encouraged to try out for a spot at a large, well known wrestling gym called Combat Zone Wrestling, in Philadelphia. During his third week there, he met a man named Nick Berk who had many connections to the WWE all over the world. Berk pulled Singleton aside and said he had many of the qualities needed to be a WWE wrestler.
Berk then became Singleton’s agent and sent out a letter to the top guys at WWE.
“The head coordinator for WWE called me and said they were really excited to see more from me,” said Singleton.

At the end of September, Singleton flew to Tampa for a week to try out for the FCW. While there, he had to show them everything he had learned over the years of being in and outside of the ring.
“I wore a suit everyday and did whatever I could to leave a good impression,” said Singleton.
The guys from FCW (Florida Championship Wrestling) were surely impressed. They told him he had the perfect attitude, the right skills and the right build.
Singleton is currently waiting for a call for his big break. He would have to move to Florida to continue his wrestling career. If all goes well the Penn Manor grad may soon be seen on televisions across the country.
“I am expecting a call back this week, so my fingers are crossed,” Singleton said.
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