By Brandon Bowers –
Get up kids, you’re coming with me to work.
Yessss! No school today.
However, you will be working – with me.
The “Take Our Daughters To Work” program was founded by Gloria Steinem and the Ms. Foundation for Women in 1993. It was changed to both sons and daughter in 2000.

Several teachers at Penn Manor celebrated The national “Take Our Child to Work” day Thursday by bringing their offspring to class. The kids got to watch their parents’ classroom experiences – even a severe weather drill.
Trey and Ty, social studies teacher John Erisman’s two younger sons, accompanied their dad on the special day.
“They are helping with handing out the students’ tests,” said Erisman. “They will not be doing any grading or looking over any handed-in work the students give me.”
“Their big thrill of the day is I am taking them down to lunch, and they want to sit with some students to eat,” Erisman added.
The boys may not look like typical high school students but, with their dad with them, they may even make a few older friends.

Hayley Astheimer, English teacher Holly Astheimer’s daughter also came to work with her mom Thursday.
“I love it so far,” said Hayley.
“Well we don’t want anymore weather drills,” said Hayley’s mom. “Hayley has helped with vocab and has read a book so far. We also plan to go to the library later.”
“We are going to be getting lunch here but we are going to be coming back to my room and having lunch with one of the other teachers who brought in their kid as well,” said Holly Astheimer.
Did anyone else notice that it looks as though I have angel wings coming out of my shoulders in the picture above? Or was that a guardian angel watching over my daughter, me, and the rest of Penn Manor during those severe weather drills? Either way, I am glad everyone is safe and sound.