Charlie Sheen is Old News

By Olivia Bailey and Toby Holsinger –

“I’m not bipolar but bi-winning.” These are the words that were spoken on national television from one of Hollywood’s biggest stars. Or at least he used to be.

Charlie Sheen was recently fired from his TV show Two and a Half Men for admitting to cocaine use, not being able to preform his duties on the show, making derogatory public comments about the show and refusing to continue acting in the series without making changes. Beginning January and February his partying reportedly began to impact his performance in the show.

“Charlie Sheen, from day one he had every one’s attention, now, about a month later he won’t go away,” said freshman Cassie Kreider.

And people seem to have gone on to bigger and better things, while Sheen continues to try and grab headlines for his bad boy behavior.

With the recent disasters happening in Japan and Libya, many people consider Charlie Sheen to be old news.

But sources close to the actor are saying that he may return to the hit comedy.  CBS and Warner Brothers have a short amount of time to decide whether to continue a ninth season with or without Charlie Sheen. NBC news says that he is unlikely to return to this show, Two and a Half Men. Yet the talk of him coming back continues.

Josh Sudgen, a freshman at Penn Manor High School said, “Charlie Sheen needs God in his life.”

Ashley Jenks, another freshman said, “All I really know about Charlie Sheen is that he was fired from the show, Two and a Half Men, and there’s been a lot of drama ever since.”

Recently, Sheen has gone on a tour called Torpedo of Truth. He was booed off the stage in Detroit after he told his audience he had already got their money.

Time will tell if Sheen is just another Hollywood troubled actor or if he can return to the public spotlight for something more worthwhile than his bad reputation.


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