Lindsley Swims His Way To Nationals

By Jenna Reel –

Dual meets, leagues, districts. All meets that swimmer, Cooper Lindsley, has become familiar with. Nationals, though? That would be a first.

This Penn Manor student and swimmer works hard in and out of his swim season. This year, his hard work and dedication has truly paid off.

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“I think that its wonderful that he’s going to Y Nationals. It will be a great experience for him,” said head Penn Manor swimming coach, Cece O’Day, who coaches Lindsley during the winter season, “I’m happy for all of my swimmers whenever they go and get new PR’s (personal records). Jess Burkhart went the last two years, and I actually went to Y Nationals when I swam. They still swim in the same arena I swam in,” said O’Day.

“He swam so well at districts and had such a great season at Penn Manor this year. It makes me so excited for next swim season to see what he can do. It’s just awesome for him,” said Julie Bibiloni, another one of Lindsley’s coaches  at Penn Manor.

Lindsley, one of four boys going to Y Nationals together from Lancaster County, is the only Penn Manor swimmer. The other three, freshman, Dan Ross, junior, Mark Harris, and senior, Sean Herr, are all members of the Manheim Township Streaks, as well as the Lancaster Y.

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“For nationals, the practices are long and hard. We’re up to about three miles per day in two hour practices, five days a week,” said Lindsley.

As much as he swims, Lindsley still maintains his grades and his friends. Most people would ask, how can such a young boy manage all of his time and stay on top of everything? Where does all of his motivation come from?

“I honestly don’t know how I do it, but I feel that it has to do with the fact that swimming teaches multi-tasking and I guess that I have found a way to transfer it over into real life,” said Lindsley, “But I try to motivate myself with the thought that hopefully succeeding in swimming will make it a more watched sport.”

“Most of my motivation comes from, I guess myself. But it’s for the same reason because I always hear about places like Australia where swimming is almost like football here in America. Families sit together in their living rooms, watching in excitement, a good swim meet,” said Lindsley.

“Definitely my biggest supporters are my parents, siblings and family friends. It always means a lot to me for their constant support,” said Lindsley.

With all of the support of the family, friends and even coaches, Lindsley and his team have good expectations for nationals.

“I think we’ll do pretty good. And even if not, I’m going to make the best of it,” said Lindsley.

For a video on Lindsley, click on this link:

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