By Chelsea Miller –
Her song makes deaf people complain…
Rebecca Black, only 13 years old, is now competing with Justin Beiber and other young, popular artists. On Feb 11, her music video “Friday” went viral on Youtube, taking few days for her to receive thousands of views. Now the video is up to 40 million hits and counting.
“Her voice is terrible,” said Amber Ayala.
A company called Ark Music Factory was the one who published the music video. The company announced they didn’t even auto-tune Rebecca’s voice; they believed her to be amazing as is.
“She is famous because people love to make fun of her,” Kelly Hoover said.
Black’s song “Friday” is now available for download. Her song reached 39 on the top 100 on iTunes. She even beat her crush, Justin Beiber. “Friday” has been downloaded millions of times while her Youtube video gets more then a million hits a day.
“She is not good enough, the most suckiest song ever,” said Courtney Jacobs, a Penn Manor music department student.
Good Morning American interviewed Black about her astonishing popularity. She admitted her “Beiber Fever”, and even looked at the camera stating that she would want to do a duet with him. She has also been on MTV and other popular talk shows.
Since the video was uploaded to Youtube, cyberbullying directed at Black has gotten out of hand. Some people commented the video, saying things about how horrible her voice is, that she’s worse then Bieber, how stupid she is, she needs to die and other inappropriate comments. Some people went so far as to make parodies out of “Friday,” making fun of the lyrics and Black herself. Black said she was upset about these comments and admitted to crying at first, but said she is over the attacks and just wants to forget about them.
In the past few days, an internet rumor went around about Black commiting suicide, but she is still alive and belting out her song.
“[‘Friday’] is repetitive, annoying, and lacks musical talent,” said junior Selena Hasircoglu.
Black is currently planning on a new song. On MTV’s 10 on Top, she announced that “if you don’t like ‘Friday’ then you wont like my next song.”
Some people say she is only famous because how horrible she is. Decide for yourself by clicking the link below to the official music video.
Whether it’s due to love or hate, this 8th grader just seems to be getting more and more famous every day.
Jealousy is a disease and you all are infected! Haters will hate! Let me know when you get 70 million views on a video! Love yall!
Stay tuned for my next video: Saturday
Rebecca Black
Ark Music Factory
Musical Artist
Copyright © 2011
Hey, this is Rebecca herself.
I do not appreciate the haters hating on my songs, but at the same time I know that I am better than you all.
Stay tuned for my next video!
©Rebecca Black 2011
ITS FRIDAY, gotta love that song 🙂 i listen to it all the time its really good
Rebecca Black is winning. That will be all.
LOL your not rebecca black you are just little kids that love a really bad song and will never have a career
Coming from someone who is in the Chorus and Manor Singers i think that she is awful. She has zero talent and doesn’t deserve all the publicity shes getting. She is only popular because people want to see how terrible she is for themselves.
I don’t care for this silly music
Rebbeca Black us not and will probably never be a good singer. She is terrible. I died a little inside the one and only time I listened to it.
Her song is infectiously annoying. A song we will forever make fun of because its catchy and gets stuck in our heads. She may not yet have the singing chops but she’s gonna be around singing about Fridays for awhile.
As much as we would hate to admit it, we don’t really hate the song, we just don’t wanna be the only ones to say that its catchy. For a middle school song, I wish some of my middle school stuff got that famous.
Haters make you famous..and this proved it. BIG TIME.
This song is so viral and catchy…yet so annoying. Coming from someone with a musical background, such as my Uncle owning his own recording studio, performing with an international recording artist, and being in chorus, i cannot say this without more passion…She is terrible. She can carry a tune, yes, but this song has no lyrical passion in it and her voice is extrememly nasally. If she got voice lessons and learned how to use her body to sing properly…well, she might get somewhere. But right now, to put it bluntly…she sucks.