By Matt Ulmer –
Is it bribery? No, not even. It’s a new system of rewards for those who put forth 100 percent effort on those dreaded PSSAs.
Philip Gale took over as head principal in 2009, and this year he’s willing to consider how kids want the school to operate – to a point.

Last week at an assembly prior to the start of PSSA’s, he explained his expectations and, for the first time, possible rewards for those students who excel.
“I’m open for suggestions,” said Gale.
In a recent meeting with Gale, he stated the requirements for receiving these incentives A) Scoring Proficient on the Math and Reading sections or B) Improving your score from 8th grade to 11th grade.
Those who score advanced on these tests are subject to even more luxurious rewards.
Many students think of PSSA week as a time of relaxation and to slack off. Gale said he is initiating these rewards to inspire those to “go all out.”
There is always the struggle, even with remediation, of pushing kids to put forth their full effort on these tests, Gale said.
Assistant Principal Eric Howe said, “I think it’s an incentive and will create ownership for students.”
Gale had a few ideas that he thought students would like. One was a discounted parking pass for those who despise the cost of school parking or maybe a Comet card. But he’s totally open for student suggestions.
Junior James Servanksy said, “Yeah, discount cards sounds like a solid idea”
A discount card would allow students to get into certain school events like sports games for free or a lowered price. The idea would be to have a hole punched out for each event they attend, similar to the system they have for drinks at gas stations.
Another junior Megan Schlegelmilch said, “Umm desert cards would be a good idea.”
Megan explained her desire for big cookies, and others agreed.
An idea that seemed to stir up the excitement in many kids was that of special club periods. Many students just sit around in homeroom and don’t get much done, but if there were clubs like floor hockey or basketball many kids would work hard to earn the privilege of participating.
“Having a floor hockey club would be a good and active way to relieve the daily stresses of school”, explained yet another junior, Harrison Manning.

As great as these idea sound to underclassmen, not all students are happy about this sudden generosity, mainly the class of 2011. Many seniors feel as if it’s unfair to them that now these amenities are being presented.
Senior Mark Curtin said, “I want my reparation check in the mail because I know I did well last year.”
However, resident school genius Ben Clark doesn’t have a problem with the new system.
“You have to create other systems sometimes,” he said.
“Kids need to be motivated about PSSA’s because it makes our school look bad if we do bad, so I see wheres Gale’s coming from,” said Senior Peter Ashworth.
-Here is a list of proposals students around the school suggested
1) Seniors can leave school early rather then come in later
2) Graduation Project Extension
3) Desert “punch” cards that would act like a coffee card
4) Discounted Parking Pass
5) March Madness Basketball Tournament can be viewed
6) Basketball and Floor Hockey
Of suggestions so far, Gale is considering:
1) March Madness games
2) Premium Parking Spots
3) Graduation Project Extension
4) Basketball/Floor Hockey Club
5) Parking Pass Discount (his idea)
6) Comet discount Card (his idea)
Above is just a list of the main ideas Gale is considering. He wanted to make it clear that he appreciates any suggestion or ideas that a student has to offer, as long as it’s reasonable.
Please add a comment for any additional suggestions for an incentive.