By Crystal Bugner –
“Alright, fine, you can put the pictures up… but don’t tag me, my mom is a Facebook friend.”
This phrase is becoming more and more common as it seems more and more gray hair is popping up in profile pictures.
Since 2009 there have been a plethora of articles stating that the number of adults on Facebook are doubling… tripling… ever rising.
Eek, get off our Facebook, old heads! What used to be the teen capital of the internet is now cluttered with invites to Sunday brunch from Grampy and Grammy.
Students at Penn Manor have stated, or in many cases complained, that they do, in fact, have parents on the website.
Junior Kim Blake said not only does her mom have a Facebook, but her mom has the password to her daughter’s account. And she doesn’t feel hindered by this like most teens.
“I do what I want and I post what I want,” Blake said with a nonchalant shrug. She said she doesn’t see her mother as a threat. Blake even said this makes her feel like her mother trusts her more.

Most teens, on the other hand, do not share this sentiment.
Junior Jake Mercado gave his opinion, one that most kids with parents on the website echo.
“Old folks ruined Facebook,” Mercado said.
Not surprising coming from a kid who told his mom specifically not to add him, something many students said they wish they would have done to save themselves some shame and suffering.
He commented saying that all his mother does is play Farmville and comment too much, so he didn’t feel like having her on his Facebook… and to avoid some embarrassing situations that could pop up.
Student Alex LaFrance told one such embarrassing story. He put up on his Faceook that he was listening to Billy Idol and he put in an F-bomb. No, not THE F-bomb, but something like it, and he received a nice little talking to.
It made LaFrance think twice about using the social networking site.
“No. I wish I didn’t have a Facebook,” said LaFrance and on March 11th he deleted his Facebook.
OK, it’s a free country. So if you’re over 40 and have kids and insist on having Facebook, here are a few helpful rules:
1.No pictures of your kids, no exceptions. The photos you post are likely not the photos your kids would like the world to see.
2. The reverse is not true. We teens were here first. Realize kids will be kids, they may not post what you like.
3. Don’t expect your kids to send you a friend request. That almost never happens.
4. Don’t expect your kids to confirm you as a friend. Awkward around the dinner table, yes, but more often than not, you will NOT be confirmed.
5. Don’t expect your kids to acknowledge you as family, either.
6.Don’t look at your kids’ friend’s profiles. That’s just weird and creepy.
7. Don’t add your kid’s friends. That makes it even weirder.
8. Stop sending Farmville requests except to your little circle of cyber farmers who enjoy them. More than 50 requests to random associates is a little bit excessive, even if you really want to reach the next level.
9. Limit your likes, staying in contact can be okay, liking everything your kid does, is not.
10.Commenting on everything – not a good idea either. Those comments always end up sounding lame the next day to everyone but you.
So there you have it. Now that someone’s laid the ground rules, parents, do as you will, but remember there’s some social expectations that come with this.
For extra pointers take a peek over at
As a parent I can see the benefits of Facebook use. It allows me to follow my childs’ status.