You may have seen large, grizzly men lumbering throughout the halls of Penn Manor, but don’t be afraid, there hasn’t been an invasion of Wookies… it’s just November.
Although the original target of No-Shave November was young college males, the concept has morphed over the years to include even the most peach-fuzz-less freshman.
The idea of going a full night without shaving one’s facial region was started by college students to raise awareness about men’s health issues. The main focus of the month was centered on prostate and testicular cancer.
It’s become quite popular at Penn Manor.
“It’s awesome, I like not having to shave,” Bo Perez, a junior, said. ” I think I can make it to the end without shaving. It’s so itchy.”
The objective of No-Shave November is, well, pretty much self explanatory. One must go, or at least attempt to go, the entire month of November without shaving their face. Students sometimes can be overheard toward the beginning of the month boasting about their goals, but few get to accomplish them.
“Oh yeah, I’m absolutely going to finish the month out this year,” said Nick Weidinger, a senior at the school.
“I am pretty sure the tradition started when lumberjacks started to get cold and needed a way to keep their faces warm against the cold wind while they cut down trees,” said Tyler Wilson, while sporting what is arguably one of the best non-adult beards in the halls of Penn Manor.
“Of course I’m finishing the month,” Wilson insisted. “I finished the month last year without shaving.”
Wilson even shared some insider tips.
“The trick to battling the itchiness, he said, is to use conditioner on the beard in the shower.
“Works like a charm,” he said.
This writer lasted about three whole days without shaving, but the pressure proved too much. But it must be pointed out, if only to save this writer’s ego, many others caved as well.
Patrick Miller, is a senior at the school but a first time No-Shaver had nothing but eagerness on his maiden voyage into unrestrained facial hair.
“I am very excited to do this,” Miller said. “No-Shave November is a fun time that all young men should enjoy taking part in.”
Whatever the underlying reasons for shying away from the razor blade, one thing is certain with all the enthusiasm witnessed for growing facial hair, No-Shave November is here to stay.
For another voice on this issue, check out David Mohimani’s opinion essay.
By Ben Embry
To all males considering growing facial hair…DO IT!! u get mad biddies!1 im not lying, my swagg has increased by 10 points! let the facial hair floowww!
To all students at Penn Manor… Tyler Wilson is the man. At one point his beard measured 13 inches long! I have personally seen his magestic facial hair grow. He stayed at my house on a Friday night and shaved before bed. The next morning he had a full beard. enough said. hammy