Although the commercials say, “Droid does,” iPhone users at Penn Manor think iPhone “does” more.
The iPhone has been out for years and has sold millions. The touchscreen iPhone with its thousands of available software apps did not seem to have much competition until November 6, 2009. That’s when the first Droid came out and it is currently outselling the popular iPhone.
Despite the sales figures of the Droid, Penn Manor students seem to favor the iPhone.
Ryan Connelly is an owner of the iPhone 4, Apple’s newest, hippest model. He recently upgraded from the iPhone 3G and likes the new one a lot more. Connelly likes the iPhone 4 more because it has better screen resolution and it’s even faster then the iPhone 3G.
“I do love the iPhone, but if I had Verizon I would probably have a Droid right now,” said Connelly.
iPhone is exclusively carried by ATT although, reportedly, the phone will be carried by Verizon by the summer of 2011.
The iPhone 4 has brought Apple’s one and only phone line even more attention. The website reports that 1.5 million phones were sold on its launch day.
Nick Weidinger, a Penn Manor student, is also a proud owner of the iPhone 4. He loves the software because it is easy to use and he is able to jail-break it. Jail-breaking is when you set the phone to not use the exact apple software. Doing this you have no limitations to your device.
“The iPhone 4 is just so sweet,” said Weidinger.
Although he loves his phone, he thinks that both phones are very good.
Mike Gebby does not have an iPhone or a Droid. But Gebby’s dad has purchased the Droid and he is a huge fan.
“If I could, I would buy a Droid 2 (the latest model) in a second, iPhone just isn’t good. I like it (the Droid) more because it has a full keyboard,” said Gebby.
Even though some students prefer the Droid over the iPhone, says that the Droid 2 (the second version of the Motorola Droid) sold only 250-350k phones.
And then there are the hybrid phones. A little of this and a little of that.
Clark Habecker has the T-Mobile G-1. This phone runs on the Android software although it is not technically a “Droid.” Habecker bought his phone about a year and a half ago and is planning on purchasing a T-Mobile G-2 when his contract is over.
Although the Droid is a new phone and the technology is very advanced, it has a few problems that have not been fixed. One of the problems is “Force Close.” Some of the phone’s apps tend to randomly stop working and need to restart. reports more difficulties with the Droid.
“I would actually prefer to have an iPhone, but I can’t get off T-Mobile’s service,” Habecker said.
Apple’s iPhone is outpacing the competition here at Penn Manor.
“I was wowed the first time I used my iPhone 4, the screen resolution is outstanding along with it being very easy to use,” said Penn Manor junior Landon Alecxih.
Alecxih was a previous owner of the iPhone 3GS. He upgraded when the iPhone 4 was released and does not regret his decision at all.
“I have never held any of the Droid phones. I think all the Droid company is doing is taking the apple’s software for the iPhone and making minor changes and calling it their own,” said Alecxih.
“I have the Droid X, and it’s so much better then any iPhone product. The Droids don’t get any bugs unlike the iPhone,” said Brian Sloss.
The iPhone does have quite a few bugs. shows the top five bugs of just the new iPhone 4. The main example is lousy reception. This is happening because the antenna goes around the phone, so when you hold the phone up to your ear, your blocking your own signal. The other examples range from battery life to screen screw-ups. Buyers should take notice to these bugs before they shell out anywhere from $199 to $599 for the technology.
Even though the Droid has a key board, and the iPhone 4 has face time, the competition between the companies should remain red-hot through the holidays.
By Kyle Hallett
Love my Droid X. I can tether it to any computer with PDAnet for free. The iPhone has to have a jailbreak performed before you can tether. This is a huge advantege for the Droid. Also, the Google navigation (FREE) on the Droid is awesome. Droid does.
droid > iphone
haha id take either just because i dont have a phone lol