It’s time to hit the books, the big test that everyone has been waiting for is coming.
It’s time for the dreaded, but much celebrated, SATs. It’s the test that often determines whether a student will get into the college of their choice.
But last year’s crop of Penn Manor students did not fare as well as some previous classes.
A recent Lancaster Newspaper story reported the average SAT scores from 2009-2010. In those scores, Penn Manor went from third place to twelfth place in the county.
Out of the whole junior and senior grade, 62 percent participated. Each section of the test had its own decline. In the reading section Penn Manor student’s average score decreased by 32 to 494.
In writing, Penn Manor average scores went down by 36 points to 480.

In the mathematics portion, the drop was 13 points and the average total score was 501.
Overall, the total score for last year’s SAT was 1490 compared with 1582 in the previous year.
Whether it’s from the pressure or the lack of preparation, Penn Manor’s reputation was put on the line. The faculty and parents were concerned for the students and intended to get to the bottom of it.
“Unfortunately, the averages were correct; however each class is different, some students slacked off while some had perfect scores in the math section,” said Penn Manor SAT prep teacher Gary Luft.
Some others students said they prepared themselves by studying through books, online sites, or even joined a class outside of school.
The SAT will be offered again in Spring of 2011.
By Sarah Gordon