I’m Freakin’ Out! College Applications Soon Due

Chewed up pencils, pulled out hair and crumpled up pieces of paper, it must be time for the high school’s seniors to apply to college.

As the recommended deadline for college applications comes near, many Penn Manor seniors are feeling the pressure to get their applications in, as well as finish the graduation requirements for high school.

One senior in particular, Rebecca Irwin, is feeling the heat.

“The application requirements aren’t very clear and I don’t have a lot of time to call and ask because I’m too busy working on my senior project for here [school] and for CTC,” said Irwin.

Irwin plans to apply to Messiah College, Liberty or Bloomsburg universities for nursing. She’s preparing for her future profession by attending the County Career and Technology Center (CTC).

Seniors feel the stress as they apply for college Photo from: Google Image

“I’m not even close to finishing my applications, and it really concerns me,” said Irwin.

The guidance office recommends that students have their applications handed in no later than the end of October and that each student should apply to at least four colleges in which they are interested.

Four colleges means four application fees.

“I hate them (application fees) because you’re supposed to apply to more than one college, and that’s a lot of money for nothing, because three out of the four fees are for nothing,” said senior, Cheyenne Brubaker.

Brubaker plans on getting a major in business management with a minor in accounting and, in preparation for college, she attended a week-long business camp.

As if it’s not bad enough that seniors have to deal with application dates and choosing their colleges of choice, they are getting bombarded with college mail.

“I usually just throw it [the mail] away,” said Irwin.

Some words of comfort may come from teachers who are more than willing to write a letter or recommendation, something which the counseling office recommends that seniors hand in along with their applications.

Although senior, Emily Hess was worried about her recomendations.

“I’m applying to all the military branches, and I asked teacher from my old Mennonite school to write my letters, but they don’t believe in war so I thought they wouldn’t do it, but they did,” said Hess.

Another recommendation from counselors to seniors is to retake the SATs if they aren’t happy with their scores or if they feel as though they could have done better on them.

Hopefully, by November, bald spots the seniors have created from pulling out their hair will be filled in.
By Whitney Reno