This year’s graduating seniors may be begging to come back.
Under the old health care policy, young adults were able to remain on their parents coverage as long as they were being educated, be it in college or graduate school. This option still holds true, but not all seniors will continue their education after high school, so not all will be covered by health insurance.
President Obama is trying to speed up the available insurance coverage for young adults, which could last until they turn 27, but the law suggests that some will not be able to sign up until 2011. Not only that, but employers will not be required to keep 20-somethings on their parents health care program.
So as seniors are pushed from the safety of high school and their parents’ health care into the workforce and uncertain coverage, they may just be desperately hoping to stay healthy.

Dylan Swanson, a soon-to-be graduate without health care said if he injured himself in the coming year, he would fix it with “duct tape and 2 by 4’s.”
That answer (and others like it) seems to be the general consensus among out-of-luck seniors.
Neal Bricker, a 2009 Penn Manor graduate, was without health care for the past year.
“I just tried not to get sick, but I did have to go to the doctor once. Paying wasn’t fun,” said Bricker.
Deb Meckley, Penn Manor’s social worker, offered more reasonable solutions.
Meckley explained that if you live with someone you are not related to and your income falls below a certain level, you can apply for medical assistance.
Palco, as Meckley said, is a local group of doctors that provide free medical care from the goodness of their hearts, though you must enroll to be eligible.
Lancaster General Hospital is a third option, offering more wallet-friendly clinics.
The following link from The Washington Post can provide you with the projected changes for your personal health care program:
By Sarah Schaeffer and Juan Montes