The thirsts are quenched but not the growling stomachs.
No snacks after PSSA’s this week is leaving students outraged.

“We work hard to make the school look good so the least they could do is give us snacks,” said Kierstin Creasy.
“I didn’t eat breakfast because I thought we were getting snacks,” said Jackie Schmalhofer.
“We work hard and deserve our snacks,” said Anissa Gerlach.
After having snacks the past two weeks students were expecting to have snacks again this week but were disappointed with only getting water and ice tea boxes. Students want to know why the snacks have stopped arriving.
When Principal Jason D’Amico was asked why students stopped getting snacks his response was, “There was only so much to go around.”
He then explained how there was a certain amount of snacks and it didn’t match up with the amount of PSSA days.
Juniors, don’t get your hopes up for snacks next week.
By Sarah Garner & Kendal Phillips
I’m a junior, and in my opinion, people need to stop complaining. They aren’t entitled to feed us I’m sorry to tell you.
I’m also a junior, and in my opinion, people need to stop not complaining. Through taking the PSSAs, the Juniors are giving the school a good bit of monies. They should be grateful. We should be getting lobster, at the very least.
we should get our snaks i was mad when i got a drink
um…hello? this is penn manor what did u expect? actually…nothing here makes sense