Get Connected to Your News

The Penn Points staff would like to increase the views on our website. If you would like to be informed instantly when new stories are posted, we have a new idea to personally inform anyone via text message. If you would like to receive a text then please respond in the comment section with your name and cell phone number. Thanks to the filter on our website, your information will be completely confidential and WILL NOT be posted on the web for others to view when accessing our website. By Abby Wilson

Give us your cell phone number to stay in touch with Penn Points. Photo by Alex Geiger

3 thoughts on “Get Connected to Your News”

  1. I think instead that you guys should allow users to make accounts that can have individual profiles. That way we could set up a notification every time there’s a new story…
    Plus personalization is nice.

  2. Penn Points needs an official Facebook fan page where links to new articles are posted. These links would show up in the news feeds of any fans of the page, and this would drastically increase page visits.

  3. isn’t it ironic they are doing this,and we aren’t even allowed to have phones out in school.

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