By Jake Shiner and Cody Straub –
Even with the school district experiencing a tough financial situation and desperately searching for answers to the impending budget crisis, one school club has found the way to raise money for a struggling school in Honduras.
The Young Humanitarian’s League (YHL) is donating money and supplies to a school in Honduras as part as a club project. The school in need was selected specifically for YHL by the founder of the Central American Relief Effort Steven C. Mentzer.
“Mr Menzter spoke to us about Honduras,” said YHL President Cody Diehl. “We asked him to find a school that needs help.”
Diehl gave an example of how the students they are assisting are less fortunate than us in the United States, “While we get full pencils, they might only get half.”
Honduras is located in Central America and widespread education has been a problem for them. According to Honduras Weekly the average years of formal education for a Honduran is 6.5 years, compared to United States average of 12 years. Without international help, this number might become even lower, which is why aid like the YHL’s is so important.
New member Zach Kauffman also spoke of some of the initiatives of the club. “We’re sending them old desks from the elementary school Central Manor,” said Kauffman. He also commentated that they may send other non-school supplies for hygiene such as toothbrushes and toothpaste.

In the meantime he is continuing to buy gummy bears and other snacks from YHL in room 300 to help support the fund-raising for the Honduras school, and you can too.
YHL is having a school wide supply drive for the Honduras school, in which every Penn Manor student can help the needy school by bringing in school supplies to donate.
“This will be our biggest project, we hope to build a relationship and continue funding,” said Diehl.
“Within the next few years we’re hoping to send kids down there to help out, and see how the kids and school are.” said Kauffman.
“A future goal of ours is to give them playground equipment,” said club adviser Donna Brady.
The club hopes this project is the start of a long lasting relationship with the school.
mousey mcdervit!!