By Jake Shiner and Taylor Groff
Amy Wall’s Marketing and Law class is well known around the school for their sales competitions held during lunch every year, a major reason many students say they take the class.
But that class is now facing changes.
Due to conflicting issues involving federal funding for lunches, the Apprentice PM competition cannot sell during school lunch times.
“We can’t compete with the cafeteria,” said Wall.
This is because of the regulations of the federal funding for the food. Selling at lunch violates part of these rules handed down by the government. This would result in a loss of a few million dollars of funding per year.
“Yes, I’m still doing the apprentice competition but we have to find a different way to do it,” Wall stated, “Were still working on new ideas.”
Cody Welch is a former marketing and law student said he would have still taken the class even with the changes.
“Yes, definitely,” he said.

He even threw in an idea about an alternative for the competition.
“Perhaps they could compete with snack cart, selling in the hallways during homeroom,” Welch said. But I feel it would take away from the experience of the class.”
Matt Weidinger, a junior, said that he took the class because of the competition, and was angry when he learned of the format revision.
But not all was lost.
“I took the class because Mrs. Wall taught it,” Weidinger said.
Welch also said the reason the class was one of his favorites was because of the teacher and the students in the class.
It appears that changes to the apprentice competition will be only a minor drawback, as the class in general will remain a fun and educational experience.