Out of 24 events and 24 possible wins, the Tornadoes only stole three from the Comets.
Penn Manor boys and girls dominated McCaskey Tuesday night at home with an amazing score of 113 to 52 for the boys and 129 to 38 for the girls.
The first race was the 200 medley relay where Joelle Williamson, Jillian Heckman, Abby Barley and Danielle Warfel got first place with a time of 2:02.54. The boys came up next and continued the streak getting first with 1:54.10 – a time that got them into districts. That relay consisted of Cooper Lindsley, Travis Wells, Casey Wells and Trevor Byrne.

The girls got first, second and third in the 200 freestyle. Olivia Rineer got first with a time of 2:24.95. Barley came in shortly behind her, and next was Lauren Hillegas.
Jess Burkhart, Heckman, Jenna Reel, Lauren Longenecker, Williamson and Karen Myers all won first in their individual events, giving their team a chunk of points to give them such a magnificent lead.
The only race that the girls didn’t win first place was the 100 backstroke, but they still got out of the pool with second, third and fourth places.
Steven Armstrong, Lindsley, Travis Wells, Casey Wells, Eric Bear and Blake Wales all gave their team many points when they got first place in their individual events.
The boys also got first, second and third in both the 100 freestyle and the 100 backstroke. Casey Wells came in first, swimming the 100 freestyle, with a time of 54.83. Xavier Wingenroth won second and Brian Dunne came in third. Bear got a time of 1:10.87 swimming backstroke. Ryan Dettrey came in next, and Nick Hartley followed with a strong third.
We’ve all heard the saying, “practice makes perfect,” and in this case, the hard work the swim team has put forth after school at practice has surely paid off big time.
By Liz Lawrence
oh yeah Oliviaaaa [: