Clothing, electronics and jewelry.
These items can usually be found under nearly every Christmas tree.

Here at Penn Manor, however, some of the staff and students are thinking outside the box.
When you think of Christmas gifts, material things usually come to mind. But to many at Penn Manor, time and charity are the epitome of the “Christmas spirit.”
Penn Manor cheerleaders are getting into the spirit by donating canned goods to people who are unable to have Christmas dinner. Canned items can be brought to the basketball game this evening in place of paying for a ticket.
“It’s really great to know we’re helping the less fortunate, rather than giving only typical gifts,” said sophomore and cheerleader Erica Williams.
Senior Jesse Graham spreads Christmas cheer to the elderly with his youth group.
“We go over and visit and give cookies and sing songs [to the elderly]. It makes them really happy which in turn makes me happy,” said Graham.
Librarian Sue Hostetter does not deal with busy malls and picking the perfect gift. She simply makes a donation to a charity in the name of each person she would normally buy a gift for.
“Christmas is the spirit of giving,” said Hostetter.
The Humane League, the Ronald McDonald House and Heifer International all accept donations for the holidays.
For those last minute shoppers or those who feel charitable, donations and community service are always an option.
By Sarah Schaeffer and Lauren Pironis