It’s time to deck the halls and satisfy that sweet tooth, without dishing out your savings account.
Students in the Life Skills class at Penn Manor are having a Christmas Bazaar Dec. 2 at the IU13 building off New Holland Pike. The bazaar will run from 9am-1pm.
The unique part? The crafts and snacks that will be sold are homemade by the students.
Amy Reis, a teacher assisting with the event organization, said, “90 percent (of the snacks and crafts) are made by us.”
Candy kabobs, cocoa cones, brownies, rice Krispie treats, magnets, ornaments, holiday pins, garlands, homemade scarves, homemade dish cloths, and much more! This bazaar has it all.
But first, lets take a step back.
“This event is bi-annual and has been around for years, before I even started teaching,”said Melissa McMichael, another teacher involved.
And unlike other fundraisers, this one has no monetary goal.
“We don’t set a monetary goal. The purpose is to give kids a chance to work with people, socializing,” Reis said.
Combining the skills such as math, communication, and entrepreneurship, the Life Skills kids are able to have a fun-day that is beneficial to their
education and allows them to experience how the real world operates.
“The kids would say the best part is a day out of school,” said Reis.
But whether it’s a day out of school or chance to fund raise, the bazaar represents all the hard work students have put forth.
What a way to represent a true meaning of Christmas, where money doesn’t matter.
By Christa Charles