Are you ready for some football?
Yes, football!
On Saturday, May 29, the annual Tri-Country All Star football game will be held at Manheim Central High School at 7:30 PM.
Penn Manor has nine seniors participating in the game, which is the most participants for the All-Star game in school history.
The teams are split up into North and South squads.
Every senior player that was chosen to represent their school located in the southern end of Lancaster County will be on South squad and vice versa.
Berks County and Lebanon County schools are also involved with the game
where Berks players will play on the South side and the Lebanon players will be suited up for the North.
Penn Manor head coach, Todd Mealy, says, “All the coaches [whose teams are involved with the All-Star game] met in March to nominate what players they thought should be on the All-Star team.”
The nine, well-deserving players from Penn Manor: Aaron Frederick, Laronn Lee, P.J. Rehm, Austin Sahd, Derek Sauder, Jared Shearer, Kenny Tomaszefski, Andrew Torres, and Bryan Weaver will all battle on the South side.
When comparing his Penn Manor teammates to the other South players, senior wide reciever and defensive back, Aaron Frederick says, “We played at a higher level than the other players, so we are definitely well-prepared.”
After contributing to a historic season for the Penn Manor football program, the selected All-Stars will look to represent why their Comet team was the real deal this past fall.
And as Mealy says, “For some seniors, this is the last time they will get to play a game of football before going off to college.”
By Cody Erb
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