Penn Manor School District has been known as the Comets with pride in its colors-blue and gold.
Though the logo for Penn Manor is simple and well known, it is not a consistent one. There are many different logos and designs that have been made for the school district over the years.
The school district is looking for a new logo, one that can be consistent. They are looking for a creative mind to come up with a new logo to be able to use from here on out.
The blue and gold colors of Penn Manor have changed a lot over the years. It has gone from more of an aqua blue and yellow…to a navy blue and sparkly gold.
If you have any ideas for Penn Manor’s new logo you can email your ideas or a drawn picture to or mail to PM Logo, P.O. Box 1001, Millersville, PA 17551 by January 15, 2010.
You do not have to be a graphic designer or any kind of genius with art. The district is just looking for something creative to show the pride of the Penn Manor School District for years to come.
by Cassey Graeff
I’m so going to do that!
Is there some sort of prize?
I used to make logos for companies and have sold them for over 100 bucks.
100 Bucks is usually the minimum for the real world…
(Expect mine soon.)
Your friendly neighborhood troll, Annon.
Also, do you need a vector format?
Or just a printed image?
(A vector image can be stretched and resized and have no quality corruption.)
Ok, I made my part, here’s a link:
Instead of using multiple vector images from different graphic businesses, the school expects to get FREE designs from students. On one hand, it’s cool because it gets some experience under the belt, however, if it’s a good quality design, then it should be charged. Nothing in life is free…