Whether you’re nailing cakes to the door, blowing up scarecrows, or eating grapes, every country has their own way of ringing in the New Year.
Not only in the United States, but in other countries around the world, it’s tradition to have parties with your friends and families, drink champagne at midnight, and kiss your loved one.
Many people in the United States come up with a resolution they want to change or overcome in the following year.
A few of the typical New Year’s Resolutions for adults include working out, quitting tobacco or alcoholic products, learning something new or simply helping others.
PM math teacher, Kim Frey, said she “would like to exercise more regularly.”
However, many younger Americans would rather get a job, be happy more often, get into a good college, maybe even Harvard, or just save money.
“I want to do my best in school,” says junior, Jessen Smith.
Some people don’t put as much thought into their resolution, and decide upon something wacky and new.
Sophomore, Tim Deubler, said, “I plan on wearing all the clothes in my closet.”
“Eat more mayonnaise,” jokingly said math teacher, Jarod Staub.
In the United States, there are many other traditions. Watching the ball drop in Times Square, New York City, is one way many Americans celebrate. At midnight, lots of noise is made, champagne is drunk, and people kiss their significant other.
A classic Lancaster County tradition is on New Year’s Day is to continue to celebrating, by eating a dinner full of pork and sauerkraut, for good luck throughout the coming year.
New Year’s Eve and Day are celebrated differently all over the world, but the tradition each person has is special to them, in each and every way.
By: Brittany Burke and Sarah Nagy